No-one’s a Natural Born Leader - Clemencia Herrera - Leadership in Action- Episode #030

There has been a massive myth built up around the ‘natural born leader’ and what specific traits define someone as one. Clemencia Herrera is breaking down that myth and giving everyone some great advice on how to think about themselves and their teams. You’ll learn what you need to do to become a better leader, what leadership really means, and the importance of being willing to learn, no matter what your title is.   Takeaways: Anyone can become a great leader, regardless of personality, it just requires lots of practice. There is no such thing as a natural leader. It’s important to be open to trying new things, without the fear of failing because regardless if you succeed or not, you will learn something from the experience. Being a good leader is about being able to motivate people to accomplish the team’s goal and getting others to buy into that goal.   Becoming a great leader requires a lot of self awareness and a great willingness to not only learn about yourself but also to work on yourself.  Leadership is not just about creating a process and then never changing it. You as a leader need to adjust to the evolving needs of your team and the business. As a leader, you need to take the time and expend the effort to work on yourself and develop your own mental toughness.    Links:  LinkedIn: Twitter: Podcast: Podcast Twitter: Email: Company website:   Quote of the Show “If your team is feeling good about what they’re doing day-to-day, then you are a good leader” - Clemencia Herrera   Ways to Tune In: Apple Podcast - Spotify - Stitcher - Google Play - Amazon Music - YouTube -

There has been a massive myth built up around the ‘natural born leader’ and what specific traits define someone as one. Clemencia Herrera is breaking down that myth and giving everyone some great advice on how to think about themselves and their teams. You’ll learn what you need to do to become a better leader, what leadership really means, and the importance of being willing to learn, no matter what your title is.



  • Anyone can become a great leader, regardless of personality, it just requires lots of practice. There is no such thing as a natural leader.
  • It’s important to be open to trying new things, without the fear of failing because regardless if you succeed or not, you will learn something from the experience.
  • Being a good leader is about being able to motivate people to accomplish the team’s goal and getting others to buy into that goal.  
  • Becoming a great leader requires a lot of self awareness and a great willingness to not only learn about yourself but also to work on yourself. 
  • Leadership is not just about creating a process and then never changing it. You as a leader need to adjust to the evolving needs of your team and the business.
  • As a leader, you need to take the time and expend the effort to work on yourself and develop your own mental toughness. 




Quote of the Show

  • “If your team is feeling good about what they’re doing day-to-day, then you are a good leader” - Clemencia Herrera


Ways to Tune In:

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No-one’s a Natural Born Leader - Clemencia Herrera - Leadership in Action- Episode #030
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